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2000-10-09 - 2:23

Acoustic sell-out

Today was cool here. I decided that I didn't need to go to work, which simplified everything. I spent most of the day hanging out with Maneesh and Parag, which is always good for a lot of laughs. It definitely has been entertaining having Maneesh back in town. The bicycle pedal incident was a little sketchy; but oh well.

After coming home from getting groceries, I noticed that Scott had come back and he had his brand new electric guitar out. Sweet. I saw that and I forgot to even hold the door open for Maneesh. I had a lot of fun trying it out.

Damn, it's a lot easier playing that than the acoustic. I managed to get a few songs (or parts of songs at least) to sound cool on the electric that I still can't play right on my acoustic. Don't get me wrong, though: I'm still psyched about my bad boy.

I went at that for quite a while; before getting a hold of Colin. I went over to his place for supper. I'm actually a pretty bad Thanksgiving dinner guest, since I'm not too keen on turkey. However, Jaclyn whipped up a fine meal, as always; and hopefully my fondness for the truffles made up for passing over the carrots and turnips. (Mmmmm . . . chocolate.)

Angela was in town visiting the two of them; and it was great to see her again. We've only met a couple of times; but I always find her totally nice and fun to hang out with.

Apart from enjoying supper and talking for a while, we watched The Ninth Gate, a movie that had some promise but was ultimately disappointing.

I'm not sure what my plans are for tomorrow. I have no pressing business; so I'd like to just relax and enjoy the day off. Ideally, I'll hook up with Jian; although, as I said, there are no plans yet. We shall see.


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