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2001-05-17 - 4:19

Thirty for sixty

I fell asleep watching the basketball game tonight (yay, Sixers!) and woke up feeling too energized for bed. Instead, I redesigned a small part of my home page and wrote my concert review for Tuesday's Nashville Pussy gig. If you're interested, you can read that on my site or on the recently revived Tomes.

Not a lot was noteworthy today. I did remember to call my brother and wish him a happy birthday. That makes two out of us three brothers who have hit 30. We're getting up there; although I have a while to go before hitting that one (my 24th comes in a few weeks).

I mentioned the Moby festival to my brother and he sounded interested in going. It would be cool if he could come along for that. Moby is excellent live and I'm sure that the Chooch would appreciate the musicianship of The Roots.

We'll see how it shakes down by the time that July rolls around.


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