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2001-08-23 - 2:10

This ain't no blues song

Hey, it's entry number 300. And, thanks to Diaryland's new search-your-own-journal feature, I know that the word "concert" has appeared in 110 of these entries. Have I really done nothing else since I started keeping this journal?

Not too much is on the go lately. Work is going okay. I think that Dr. J liked the "Linux is the shit" sticker that I gave him yesterday, although I also (jokingly) told him that my next order would include the "My boss is a jerk" tag. Actually, I think that his favourite was, "It sure is fun masturbating," but that was rather predictable.

I picked up the new Rollins Band CD as soon as it came out. My first impression is positive, although I still think that I'll be missing him on his current tour. If he would've hit Montreal again, I'd be in for sure; but as it is, the timing is wrong for long distance travelling.

The music that Rollins makes now doesn't hit me as strongly as his older material did. I don't mean that to be a knock against him. It's just that for where I was at in say, '94, the music that Rollins was making was perfect for me.

That said, though, the new CD is proof that Rollins Band remains a good kick in the ass for when you're feeling down.

Ah yes, that's the other use of my journal. It's not just a series of concert stories; it's also me whining about being depressed and lonely. Well, hopefully not too often, but it does come up. Anyway, I had a few nights lately where I was in an odd, down mood; but I think that things are cool again. Or I'm just feeling too fuzzy-headed right now to write about it.

Either way, it's 2:10 AM and I'm off to bed.


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