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2001-11-13 - 0:56

Abolish work

It'll be even quieter at work this week, since two of the guys are away, leaving just Greg and I. I still have something fairly major to wrap up before the boss gets back, though, so I'll be quite busy.

The (International) Noise Conspiracy is in town tomorrow night. (I find the parantheses mildly annoying; but that is the way that they write their name.) I'm not sure if Gregopolis is in for that concert or not. Aaron is for sure; and I'll get a hold of Flett tomorrow to find out if he's going. I'm definitely looking forward to the show, although I haven't picked up the new CD yet. (I've been particularly slack about CD shopping lately.)

I've been trying to figure out my plans for Christmas. The demise of Canada 3000 seems quite notable in Air Canada's pricing. Once upon a time, with CanJet, I could get home for under $300. Then Canada 3000 bought them out and the best fare that I could find for my trip back in the spring was $600. Now that Air Canada is the only carrier, I'm looking at more than $900 to fly home for Christmas. Crazy.

Considering that I've flown to San Francisco three times for about $600 and to Houston for $500-something, I don't see how a rinky-dink two hour flight can cost that much. Bleh.

Ehh, but what're you gonna do? Your choice is fish, I guess.

So, not too much excitement today; but I'll be all set tomorrow night for TINC.


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