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2002-01-18 - 2:38

Then it was every other day

Work did indeed calm down again (for now). The boss was even noticably impressed with what I got done the other night, which is noteworthy for someone whose permanent mood of choice is stressed out and frantic.

I placed the mammoth CD order that I've been meaning to get around to making. My only complaint is that I was unable to find the much-hyped DJ Shadow/Cut Chemist release, Product Placement. If anybody knows where I can find that CD in stock, let me know. Listening to Abilities and DJ Signify tonight got me even more interested in hearing what is sure to be a stellar turntable showcase.

In other musical news (and really, what else is there in this journal?), I see that the Bad Religion tour dates show them hitting Toronto for a Saturday concert in mid-March. I've wanted to see the band on recent tours, but the schedule wasn't good and I had to settle for reading Jen's accounts. It'll be very cool to finally catch them live. Hopefully, Richard will be in for that plan, too.

On the topic of concert get-togethers, I heard from my old roommate Maneesh; and he hopes to be able to hook up with us in Chicago for the Rollins Band concerts. (Us meaning me and possibly Aaron . . . it's hard to talk people into such a big trip.) Maneesh is going to school at UIUC, so it wouldn't be too extreme of a trip for him. Tickets aren't on sale yet, but they should be soon, so I'd like to finalize the plan.

The Rollins shows are definitely the main event that I'm currently anticipating. I'm already getting psyched, especially after getting in touch with Maneesh. He's always good for some laughs, so hooking up with him would add a lot to the free time of the trip. (Not to mention that I still want to get him in the mosh, after watching him act stussy over a gimpy leg at the punk show we saw when he was last living here.)

So, at least a few plans are coming together. (And I didn't even mention the Nick Cave dates that were rescheduled from last September to April.) No complaints.


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