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2002-06-25 - 2:13

�ber alles

It looks like I'm behind on my journalling. I'll chalk it up to the fact that I was feling half out of it for the past week, with some mild illness. Let's see . . . what is there to recap?

Last Thursday, we all went out for Loralei's birthday. (Her birthday was actually Wednesday; but apparently it's recognized through a month-long festival or something. Heheh. That works for me. Any scheme that involves multiple leftover cakes is a fine set-up.) Anyway, we all went to Yuk-Yuk's, for some fairly decent comedy; and I think that everyone had a good time.

After that, I stayed up past 4:30 watching the England-Brazil match (boo, Brazil) and was up again at 7:30 to see Germany win (yay). Yes, indeed, Dr. J said that it was no problem for me to take Friday morning off, so I didn't go to work until lunchtime. (I even let it slide that everyone else was too wimpy to wake up for either game. Heh.)

This weekend was fairly slack, mostly involving taking care of some things around the house and playing games.

Oh yes, the big news was that I found out that Tool is coming to Ottawa. If you recall, when I saw the band in Montreal last fall, I had a mixed reaction. I had no complaints about the concert, which was excellent; but I wasn't sure how to react to my vantage point.

On the one hand, it was cool being seated, since it allowed a great perspective for the very visual show; but I also would have loved to have been on the floor, mixing it up. Well, luckily enough, I'll be getting my chance, since I picked up floor seats for the band's August stop in Ottawa.

See? Things work out for me, yet again. Well, things usually work musically, at least.

In other musical news, Loralei finally has her guitar in action, so I have extra encouragement to pick up my acoustic lately. I had been rather slack about it; but it's fun to have someone to play with.

Considering the fact that it's 2:00 and I plan to get up tomorrow morning to watch Germany play South Korea, I think that I'll wrap up this overdue entry. (Actually, I probbaly would have been asleep much sooner; but I just picked up Neverwinter Nights and it's rather addictive.)

We'll see if anyone gets mad at me for predicting South Korea's defeat. What can I say? Germany remains my team.


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