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2003-08-07 - 1:55

Nine-tenths of the law

For a change, I didn't have a big barbecue on a long weekend. However, it was still a fun one, as Nick was back in town briefly. When he moved to Florida, he was still under the lease at the townhouse, so he left a lot of things behind. With that lease due to expire soon, this weekend was the big transfer of stuff into my house.

That went quite smoothly, although I still have to ransack my haul and see if I acquired any phat lewts. If not, I'll just go through with my plan to have a geek yard sale: DVDs, pirated software, and various computer parts and electronics; make me an offer. Heh.

Apart from the move, we also had time to grab a quick lunch, get over to Gatineau for a steep hike, and head to the Yangtze for a big supper. 'Tis always good to see Nikolai again, for sure.

Laurie starts her vacation on Friday, so we've been hanging out a lot lately, which is also always good (even if I did have a subpar showing at NTN on Tuesday).

Meanwhile, work has also been crazy this week, with a couple of long nights already and a customer panic that had Greg flying out today.

I'm excessively busy, for sure; although it's mainly for good reasons.


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