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2004-06-07 - 0:01

The CR

Well, this time I have an excuse for being behind in updating. Let's see . . . how far back am I recapping?

The May long weekend was great, despite the cloudy, rainy weather, as Laurie and I took care of lots around the house. We finally put a solid dent into completing the great unpacking project; and the lawn and garden work continued to roll along.

Just after that weekend was the first anniversary of us going out, which we marked in part by buying more things for the house: Laurie took the tab for a bathroom set and I picked up a painting for the computer room (which we have had our eye on since the winter). The place is getting better all the time.

My main snag for the past two weeks has been a customer emergency at work. I ended up flying to Cedar Rapids twice and putting in a ton of long days. I just got back from the second trip on Friday evening, so I have been rather zonked. By Tuesday, we had fixed the issue with our code (i.e., the part of the problem that was our responsibility); but now we have been on the hook for helping them overcome some flaws in their network design. Fun stuff. At least I am home now.

With all the work, I wasn't able to follow the hockey playoffs as much as I would have liked. Since I got back, though, I did get to see Game 6 at Nick's on the HD projector, which is quite phenomenal. As per my prediction going into the playoffs, the Lightning took home the Cup tonight. Naturally, the playoff hockey pool came through for me, making up for the regular season flop.

I think I am still sleeping off the past week and a half, so that'll have to suffice for a recap for now.


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