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2005-09-13 - 0:22

Too yellow?

The fall concert push started with a Contoller.Contoller show at Zaphod's on Saturday. After seeing the band open for DFA 1979 twice, this was my first look at them as headliners. With the mysterious absence of an opening band, it turned into a short night of music; but the band came through with a great set. Keep an eye out for the album, X-Amounts, coming October 11. I have a recap at the usual locale.

I think that my perspective on shows is skewed from almost always being front and centre. I thought that it was a pretty lively, dancy crowd; but Laurie, who was off to the side, told me that it was pretty dead anywhere but the very front. Ah well. The band still delivered, even if the audience wasn't as crazy as that last DFA show.

While looking through singer Nirmala Basnayake's tour diary, I noticed that she called that Babylon concert one of the best that the band has ever played; but I actually enjoyed Saturday night's set more. The band may have been wilder on that previous show; but the sound was much better for them this time.

I expect things will stay strong on the concert front, with big bad Brother Ali here tomorrow night. Surprisingly, this show is at Barrymore's, rather than the usual hip hop stronghold of Babylon. It seems that the Barrymore's booking is improving lately. I'm sure Ali will kill yet again. When he opened for Atmosphere in 2002, before even releasing his debut CD, it was one of the most impressively commanding performances that I've ever seen. Tomorrow should prove to be no lesser.


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