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2006-07-12 - 23:57

Bluesfest intermission

I'm actually staying fairly up to date on my Bluesfest recaps, although I did have to take advantage of a night off tonight to catch up. The Sam Roberts/Matt Mays/The Stills combo that I mentioned last time is covered in this review.

Last night, I saw Son Volt and Mark Kozelek, neither of whom I knew very well. I found Kozelek very flat; and, considering that he bowed out early, perhaps he wasn't feeling it either. Son Volt, though, was awesome, captivating the crowd throughout an energetic ninety-minute set. They were my favourite part of the festival since Calexico on opening night. For more thoughts, see here.

Not too much else is on the go. I lost most of today at work chasing after a weird problem that turned out to be caused by a board overheating and wonking out the CPU. As a result, I'm sure that I won't finish all of the testing that I was supposed to do this week while the boss was away. Ah well.

Four more days to go in Bluesfest!


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