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2006-07-16 - 1:24

In your face, space coyote!

I missed updating after yesterday's kick at Bluesfest. (Summary: Metric was okay, as usual; their fans were rude, as usual; and every other band was great and should have been given more time.)

Today was the bigger event, though, with Wilco playing the Main Stage. For this year's Bluesfest, the organizers added a section of scaffolding as the side of that stage. If you win a charity auction, you get two prime seats to watch the headlining act.

So tonight I won a bidding war and made it up top with Laurie. And proposed. I'm not sure if she was dazzled by the stage lighting or what but for some reason she said yes.

And that was that. Rock and/or roll, I always say. I'd say that it was very fitting for us.



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