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Humanity Past

2001-09-28 - And no-one I was and so I remained
2001-09-26 - Ree-cyy-cliing?
2001-09-25 - Waiting for a bell in my head
2001-09-24 - And this snake wearing a vest . . .
2001-09-20 - And I wouldn't have it any other way
2001-09-19 - And came back with some fish, like a true Nova Scotian
2001-09-18 - On the day I was born, I spread open the ocean
2001-09-16 - Special forces in an armoured car
2001-09-15 - The ones you fear are wind and air
2001-09-30 - Gonna dance one-legged off in the rain
2001-09-14 - I don't wanna see
2001-09-13 - I'm not your reason to crack and divide
2001-09-12 - Intolerance of intolerance
2001-09-17 - Standard issue
2001-09-11 - Good luck getting a horse to eat dog food
2001-09-10 - All I wanna do is love you
2001-09-09 - Cool your jets
2001-09-07 - Saku
2001-09-05 - Rock the casbah like a hurricane
2001-09-03 - Red blazer
2001-09-04 - The essence of romance and adventure
2001-09-29 - When I say dance . . .

2004-2005 2003 2002 2001 2000