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Humanity Past

2002-06-28 - To know for sure
2002-06-27 - Living legend
2002-06-25 - �ber alles
2002-06-19 - Bleh
2002-06-19 - God loves ugly
2002-06-17 - Furious George
2002-06-15 - Deutschland
2002-06-14 - Reaching quiet
2002-06-11 - Zack Taylor, ya know he's underground
2002-06-10 - With a winning smile
2002-06-09 - Someone's daughter
2002-06-08 - Make you feel that way
2002-06-07 - No bingo
2002-06-05 - A tattooed breast and flaming eyes
2002-06-04 - If you go into the woods today
2002-06-01 - The whale

2004-2005 2003 2002 2001 2000