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2000-06-24 - 00:22

Toronto, here I come (again)

Yesterday, I finally got my fill of work. By 5:00, I was zonked again. I stuck around until 6:30; but a lack of regular sleeping and eating habits was wearing me down. I guess that it's not like the old days anymore, when I'd stay up until 2 or 3 AM and not feel it at work the next day.

Richard came over last night, which was cool. Of course, we did a CD swap. (By now, I think that it's legally required that Richard and I exchange CDs when we meet.) It's kind of weird that we didn't hook up sooner, since he's been in Ottawa since the start of May. He and Nick and I went out for supper and came back for some multiplayer Perfect Dark, which was a lot of fun.

Today I put in a normal day's work. Next week is going to be busy, for sure; but I was happy to wind down for now. I hadn't even been thinking about the Mot�rhead/Nashville Pussy concert tomorrow night. Now I'm definitely psyched, though. It's a long bus ride to Toronto and back; but I'm sure it'll be a great show. Nashville Pussy put on a great high-energy performance in Ottawa last summer; and I'm really looking forward to seeing them again.

I managed to put a little time into the Jambalaya page today. I added my most recent CD acquisitions and prettied up the way that the CDs are listed. Speaking of new CDs, I'm quite fond of the disc that arrived today by an Australian band known as The Cruel Sea. I bought the disc without really knowing what the band would sound like; and I have to say that I'm impressed. How could you not enjoy lines like:

Gonna send you back to wherever the hell it was you came
Then I'm gonna get this tattoo changed to another girl's name

Anyway, that's about it for now. Wish me luck and, hopefully, I'll get the midnight bus back from Toronto after the show, instead of having to wait for the 7:00 AM departure.


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