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2000-06-27 - 18:15

You gotta keep workin'

Yesterday's long entry was written off and on during another 13-hour day at work. (Hopefully, it wasn't too disjointed.) I've also got some extra hours on the go today. Everything has to come together for the July 4th deadline; and it looks like it'll be fine. Hopefully we'll get it wrapped up by Friday, though; working the Canada Day long weekend is not high on my list of things to do.

It's kind of a drag that I'm only doing this work for my own satisfaction. What I mean is that there's no overtime pay in it; and it's nothing that anybody high on the food chain will notice. In fact, I'm sure that the higher-ups would rather see me working on something else. (The fact that I was theoretically assigned to another task last week, unbeknownst to me, was a sign of how highly regarded my current assignment is.)

That's okay, though. I'm just interested in taking the job to completion. (Hmm . . . maybe some of the old man's work ethic rubbed off on me, despite my perpetual claims to laziness.)

Anyway, it'll definitely be good to get the project done, so I can go back to putting in normal hours again. As an added bonus, the July 4th deadline coincides with my trip to Toronto to see the Up In Smoke tour with Colin, Aaron, and Sophie. I'll certainly be ready to kick back and have a good time by then. Actually, I plan on taking the 4th and 5th off work, which I'll consider a trade for the overtime.

It should be coo'.

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