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2001-06-02 - 2:52

Straits of love and hate

I finished off the week with a couple of okay days at work. I got home late yesterday, but I wrapped up fairly early today (taking something home with me to do later).

I was a little down today about the fact that I haven't talked to Jian all week apart from two very terse conversations. We had been in the habit of talking almost every night, so the lack of contact is a sharp change.

I picked up the guitar a couple of times tonight and had more fun with it than I have in ages. I tried some new songs and enjoyed kicking out a lot of noise. Other than that, tonight was just one for having a little barbecue and chilling out with the roomies, talking trash. Oh, and it was a night for listening to Gun Club CDs.

My tentative plan for tomorrow night is to catch a punk show at Club SAW, especially if I can get a hold of Greg and convince him to come along. District Seven, who I saw with Maneesh last November, are on the bill. I'd definitely like to check them out again; and how can you go wrong with five bands for six bucks?


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