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2001-06-19 - 23:24

Get the stank out

Yesterday, I put together my Fishbone concert review, which can be seen on my home page or on the Tomes. I used some of the highlights of the show to describe my reactions to the night; but it's hard to convey the entire experience. The feeling I had screaming along at the top of my lungs to "Deep Inside," for example, is difficult to reduce to words.

I can say, though, that Fishbone live was certainly one of the best concerts that I have ever seen.

Another notable part of my trip to Philly was that I (again) got an extra search coming back through Customs. Once again, I had my bag emptied out; and this time, they rubbed a swab across my bag to screen for drugs. I got a kick out of how thorough the search was. I can see looking in every opening of my travel bag, and even knocking on its bottom to look for secret compartments; but I think peering into the spokes of my umbrella was amusing.

Of course, considering that all of my dirty clothes had been soaked through with either rain or sweat and concentrated in a single bag, it couldn't have been a fun search. Maybe I'll make that my new system for Customs: before every border crossing, I'll get the stank out. "That'll learn him to bust my tomater."

My comic highlight yesterday was coming across a web site for the Socialist Labor Party. They had the usual information that you would expect, detailing their idealogy of a classless society of equals. Then I noted their newspaper's subscription rates: five dollars for a year . . . or eleven dollars a year for first class! I'd have to say that they're not very good Marxists if they're offering me first class service because I have more money to spend.

Bart: Sharing is a bunch of bull, too. And helping others. And what's all this crap I've been hearing about tolerance?
Homer: Hmm . . . Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Today, I've been feeling very out of it. I hope that I'm not getting sick. My eyes have been sore and I've had no energy, even though I got plenty of sleep. In fact, I'm about to call it a night, which is early indeed, by my standards.

In the meantime, I did get a fair bit of work done. I decided to spend today working from home, taking care of some tasks for the getting the new office prepared and working on a document. I got everything done that I wanted to in the former regard; but I had hoped to be farther ahead with my writing. I'll have to postpone that for another night or for Friday, since I'll have other things on the go for the next two days at work.

And, with that, my eyes are starting to sting again, so I'm off to bed.


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