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2002-07-22 - 1:27

Battle of wills

Last week wrapped up on a busy note, with me staying quite late on Friday. Unfortunately, I had already given up on what I was supposed to be doing (with some frustration); but it was more fun helping the other guys, anyway.

I'm sure that there was a weekend in here somewhere; but I don't recall anything happening. I think that I was just happy to unwind after a fairly busy week.

I added a few more pictures to my web site--nothing too spectacular; but I caught up with my backlog of pictures from the start of the month. To pick a highlight (featuring me, of course, since I'm an egomaniac), I rather enjoy this picture.

All that I can note from the rest of this weekend is reading two-thirds of a book and losing a battle of wills with a groundhog. (I was hoping to out-patience him and still be around when he came out from hiding under our front steps; but alas.)

Aaron and Loralei came back from vacation tonight. As of tomorrow, it's the one week countdown to the end of this line-up of roommates; so it's cool that everyone is around now.

Oh yes, I read that Buck 65 has signed to Warner. Hopefully, he'll be passing through Ottawa again soon. I was spoiled by seeing him three times in 2001; but it has been almost a year since his last appearance. I need some concert to come here, to make up for the fact that I'll be missing Beth Orton's show at Barrymore's due to my New York trip.

At any rate, you should all buy Square when it comes out in September.


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