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2002-08-02 - 1:29


Everything remains busy but great. The folks decided to not leave town until today, so they crashed at my place again last night. Naturally, I had to break in my barbecue, with an initial run of three steaks. I barely made it out of work in time to pick those up; but it worked out in the end.

Tonight I had Aaron, Frank, Greg, and Kelly over for another barbecue, which was a lot of fun. I can't say that everything is perfectly set up in the house yet; but three days in, it's running well enough to invite people over for supper, so no complaints.

Oh, Aaron and Frank even brought over my tall CD towers (without me even needing to ask), so I'm now 100% moved out of the townhouse.

I have tomorrow off work, since Aaron and I are starting our New York trip. That's going to be a blast. Really, I oughta be getting some sleep, since we're splitting very early. Instead, I'm up 'til 1:00, picking out 50 CDs suitable for the drive, shaving my head, and doing a load of laundry. I do believe that I'm packed now, though.

I should also mention that this is my five hundredth journal entry. I don't think that I would have predicted after entry 1 that I'd be writing number 500 from my newly-purchased house; but here I am. It's kinda like the Rollins interview in which he was sitting in a hot tub outside the log cabin where the band recorded Weight saying, "Who would have believed, when we were starting out, that it would be this good?" Of course, Hank was playing it up in that interview for jackassosity, whereas I . . . No, wait, I'm aiming for jackass, too. Well, it's still pretty cool to be here. Heh.

Okay, I'll be back on Monday, with post-concert stories. Out of the two festival line-ups, I think that I'm most looking forward to seeing Jurassic 5; but it should be a great weekend all around.


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