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2002-08-07 - 1:52

Back in force

I had hopes of assembling a wall of CDs tonight and writing a pair of concert reviews and performing other such worthwhile activities. As it is, though, I didn't get home from work until about 1:00 AM, so I settled for listening to "What's Golden" three times and finishing off a bag of salt and vinegar potato chips. It was really the next best thing.

Tomorrow night is the Nashville Pussy concert at Babylon. Unless I get a hold of Flett, it looks like nobody is with me for this one; but either way, I'm looking forward to ripping shit up. I haven't been to a physical show since Fishbone; so it'll be great to get in the mosh again.

I'm sure I had more to say, but, err, the whole one o'clock deal. Someday I shall sleep.


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