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2003-03-06 - 2:07

Twenty-one tickets

Okay, enough with the snow. Yes, the latest batch was rather powdery and easier to shovel; but I'm still saying that it's enough for this winter.

The bedroom project is coming along. I ordered a bed and part of a bedroom set yesterday; and Cowboy Curtis will be helping me out by camping out at my house on Tuesday to receive that delivery. Painting of the room is still on hold, either for the weekend or for a day when I actually leave myself time after work.

Even though the reason for this project was the creation of a guest room, I strongly suspect that after I finish with that room, I'll switch and make it my bedroom. I'll just need to go back and buy the dresser portion of that bedroom set and I'll be ready to swap.

After dropping a good chunk of change on that room already, I'm delaying some other purchases, like the long-promised bookshelves. After making a mortgage payment and putting money into RRSPs (at a higher rater this year, since I have a higher limit), there's only so much paycheque to go around. I'm also still in the phase of buying things for the house that should last for years--hopefully I'll eventually get past that start-up mode.

On the other hand, I do have over $600 in other people's concert tickets on me, which I should reel that in sometime; so that's essentially money in the bank.


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