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2003-03-28 - 1:04


So, I had a bit of a scare thrown into my concert plans this week, due to some uncertainty at work. We were set to give another training session in the middle of April, which would have meant that I'd be making a trip to Portland to assist. (Greg being unable to go, since he still has to take care Our Lady of the Broken Knee.)

That had me very disappointed, since I would have had to skip out on my Dirty Three plans. That would have been especially bad, after having invited someone to make that concert trip with us.

As it turns out, though, those training plans were scuttled today. (Yay!) However, oddly enough, I was talking to Colin tonight and he's worried that he might have to make a trip to Cambridge for work around that date. So, details remain tentative; but I'm once again sure that I'll make it to the show one way or another.

It's off to Toronto tomorrow for Godspeed. I imagine that I'll be back on Sunday. In the meantime, you can fill in for any missing journal entries with this tool.


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