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2003-11-23 - 23:57

Another glorious sell-out

I'm slow on the updates; but here's a quick-hitter. The White Stripes concert in Montreal was very solid--not the best show of the year; but well worth the trip. Neither Matt nor Flett could make it, so I ended up bussing with Laurie and selling an extra ticket outside the club. Catching the bus proved the be the more challenging task; but we made it.

The hockey game on Saturday night was excellent. Second row seats for a dominant Montreal victory . . . can't complain. Oh, unless any of you actually saw the game--then you can amend that statement to read "a victory." It was a very fun game, though: good hitting, Theodore was fantastic, and all the goals were scored at our end.

This past week has been another busy one, workwise. Christmas is going to be a much appreciated break.

It's much easier to track down Nick now that he lives within a twenty minute walk, so he's been over for cards and Scrabble and such. It's cool having him back in town.

And, saving the best news for last . . . I had been rather steadfast in avoiding the whole Christmas decoration dealie, especially after proclaiming my firm belief that lights should not come out until December 1st. However, I saw no option other than to (yet again) sell out on my ideals and buy in to the whole Christmas schtick. However, I think you will all forgive me . . .

Best Christmas ever!


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