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2004-03-16 - 0:15

Quite rightly

The fates conspired to delay my room-painting. On consecutive nights, I had to get together with Aaron while he was in town, deliver an NTN whoopin', work late, be lazy, and be lazier. Obligations, you know. However, I did finally get the room taken care of on the weekend, with Laurie's assistance.

I have to say that it is a lot easier to paint with two people. It took me less than half the time that the bedroom took, way back when. I think that the final result is quite respectable. I'd say that the mellow yellow vibe works. Now I just need to figure out what to add for furniture and how to arrange things.

In the near future, Laurie is moving in with her stuff (although rather little furniture, since we've agreed to toss most of what she has) and I also need to pick up bookcases and at least enough shelving to get my Groo collection sitting somewhere.

Of course, I'll have to see what the finances support. With the need to book portions of the Coachella trip early, I have allowed myself to make a rare dip into debt; but today's mail did bring the last receipt that I needed to complete my income tax. I have a sizable refund coming again this year, which should take the heat off. I'll have to see how much the city cranks up property taxes, though. (I have discovered that becoming a homeowner makes one more politically angry.)

Other than that, not much is on the go. I had discovered a last-minute snag at work that had the potential to invalidate my last three weeks of effort; but we found the solution this afternoon, so I'm happy there. I think that I'll be moving on to another major project very soon, which should be very different. Should be interesting.

One week 'til Black Heart Procession. Ooh. Aah.


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