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2004-03-31 - 1:06

Was his name-o

With any game of chance for which the winner is determined after the calling of a number, the winning party is obliged to call out "Bingo!" Whether or not the game being played actually is bingo is immaterial. I don't make the rules; I just do my part.

In other news, I am currently immersed in a mosaic Simpsons jigsaw puzzle. 'Tis quite difficult. After you finish a section, you have to stand three feet back to figure out what you've just done. I may have to buy the others in the series after I wrap up this one.

Also noteworthy: tonight's NTN tally cracked 51,800, towering over whatever had ranked as my previous best. Usually a good game comes in around the 30k mark. Zanzibar!


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