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2004-07-23 - 0:19


I've been avoiding excess spending lately, since I'm still not far removed from the Coachella trip and the Halifax vacation is only a week away. However, Laurie made me go CD shopping with her and I had to pick up the new Neubauten early singles collection. And the new albums from The Hives and The Roots. And the latest Jon Rauhause and Carolyn Mark releases, since I had been meaning to track those down for a little while now. And a couple of Buck 65 singles, since they were there. Really, I had no choice.

I have started duplicating my long-running CD collection list onto the Guzzlefish web site. My Guzzlefish list can be seen here.

Unfortunately, their database has several holes, particularly on imports, so I have about 140 albums that I can't list yet, meaning that my home page list will remain the most accurate. On the plus side, they have a feature that allows users to sumbit titles into the database, although it's rather tedious. I've put a few entries into the system; but I won't be catching up with my backlog anytime soon.

The site has some neat features, such as generation of statistical breakdowns by record label, year, and genre; and highlighting of common titles when you are logged in and looking at another user's collection. It also works for DVDs and games; but I'm not sure if my paltry DVD collection truly warrants a list.

Work has been lots of fun this week. The boss has been away; and, for the first time since I started at this company, I am working with Greg full-time on a coding project. This project is quite enjoyable; and the day goes very quickly working in tandem. If the boss manages to stay out of our way when he comes back next week, everything should continue to roll along. Heheh. At any rate, it is a definite step up after the ongoing customer issues of the past month.


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