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Humanity Past

2001-07-31 - Self-imposed workload
2001-07-28 - I wish I had a monkey's paw
2001-07-27 - Crikey
2001-07-25 - Fragmented
2001-07-21 - Go
2001-07-20 - Rain predicted for some areas
2001-07-18 - Drag queens at the pavilion
2001-07-16 - Fakebook
2001-07-13 - Get on up
2001-07-12 - Oh, the hammock district
2001-07-11 - Inflatable Buddha prop
2001-07-09 - Late shift
2001-07-08 - Not no more, it ain't
2001-07-06 - Thanks for mutton
2001-07-03 - Bodies need their rest
2001-07-02 - Bratwurst
2001-07-01 - It's driving me nuts

2004-2005 2003 2002 2001 2000