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Humanity Past

2000-05-31 - She's got the drugs
2000-05-27 - And Dr. Dre said . . .
2000-05-25 - Blowing smoke
2000-05-23 - If you hear any noise
2000-05-21 - House rules
2000-05-17 - Don't worry, brothers
2000-05-19 - An error, a hardship, an exile
2000-05-13 - Stickin' together is what good waffles do
2000-05-12 - Nothin' much
2000-05-08 - Wetter is better
2000-05-06 - Solipsist
2000-05-05 - What do you want the Internet to be?
2000-05-05 - Blackeyed blonde
2000-05-04 - Erotic graphomania
2000-05-01 - Goodbye, Flat Eric
2000-05-15 - Fire, good!

2004-2005 2003 2002 2001 2000