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2000-04-18 - 19:56:17

Entry the first

Well, here I am, thinking of starting some kind of diary again; and I'm going the online route. I still read Jennie's page every time that she updates it. I also checked out a few more online diaries recently, by starting from and searching through it arbitrarily. I visited one page because the girl writing it was in Halifax and I ended up writing a haiku as part of her questionnaire.

Some interesting diaries are out there; and if I'm going to be as introspective as I tend to be, anyway, what the hell? The unexamined life is not worth living and all that, right? Maybe the forced self-examination of a diary would help me to get somewhere mentally that used to require talking life philosophies with Liam.

I know that I would like to be able to see where my mind was at at the different stages along the way. I have the writing that I did when I was trying to understand my feelings towards Kimmy; and that was probably the most interesting time of my life, so far. The last two years have seen a lot of people enter and exit my life; and it would be cool to look back at how I saw the times while they were happening.

We'll see how this shakes down. At the very least, I'll have somewhere to write my concert reviews :)

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