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2000-05-31 - 13:49:16

She's got the drugs

Well, it has been a while since I updated, so I have a few days to cover. Things have been pretty slack lately, anyway. Everybody was on the go last weekend, so not a lot went down. Frank and Dave came over Sunday afternoon, as did Jaclyn later that night. I whipped up a nice spicy spaghetti sauce and we hammered down on that.

After work Monday, I spent most of the rest of the day playing Mr. Driller with Nick. Driller is a silly, very old-school PSX game that's good for a laugh. Nick and I agreed that Richard would love it. Yesterday, I was back at the PlayStation again, this time picking up where I left off in Gran Turismo 2 with Colin.

Yesterday was also new CD day: Nashville Pussy released their eagerly-awaited second disc, High as Hell. The album kicks ass. Unapologetic straight-ahead southern sleaze rock at its best. I think that I'll fire up a review on the Tomes site (which is essentially dead these days). Listening to that CD a few times definitely got me psyched for the concert in June. I'm still not sure who else will be heading to Toronto with me; but I know that I'm going to give it a go.

A shipment of older CDs also came in yesterday. I snagged some Bad Religion, Bad Brains, Run-D.M.C., and NWA. I'm still sorting through those . . . so far, so good. I have another shipment that should arrive any day now, consisting mainly of Lois Maffeo discs. If her older work is as good as The Union Themes, I'm in for a treat.

The other thing on my mind these days is also musical: I'm becoming increasingly worried about the fact that I still haven't received my Chili Peppers tickets in the mail. I'm not going to be happy if the eight (!) tickets that I ordered don't arrive very soon. Wish me luck on that one.


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