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2000-07-04 - 01:26

A request for those in charge of these things

Aaaaah . . . work is done for a while. Today was my cutoff point, where I gave the paper to Bis to finish. I did my part. June was a very busy month at work; and starting this afternoon, it was time to relax.

Aaron, Sophie, and I went out for a bit tonight. Nothing major; but it was better than sitting around. I finally took a look at the car that Aaron rented for the Toronto trip. As it turns out, it's an Intrepid, which is the same car that my old man rented when the folks drove me to Ottawa in January. I must say, that car is a lot roomier when you're not sharing the back seat with a 25 inch TV, a CD rack, and miscellaneous boxes.

Sophie managed to find someone to take the available fourth ticket and join us on the trip, which is good. I'm psyched for the concert. I know it's going to be a fun time.

On another note, I've come to the conclusion that I shouldn't be introduced to friendly, intelligent, good looking, single girls who live seven hours away . . . it just makes it harder to sleep at night. Grumble. If I meet another girl like that in the near future, I'd much prefer it if she lives just a little closer. (Waaaaaah!)

Ehh, but what're you gonna do? Ah well; maybe next time. Apart from that observation, life is good; and tomorrow is going to be a great trip.

Okay, time for sleep. A (presumably overly long) post-concert report will follow on Wednesday. See you then.


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