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2000-08-01 - 20:42


As promised in yesterday's entry, today was decision time for the Einst�rzende Neubauten concert . . . and I am going to New York City! Woooh!

I left for work this morning uncertain of whether I would be able to go to the show. The more I thought about it, the more I decided "why not?" The prices that I initially found had me set back; but when I checked out Travel Cuts, I discovered a cheap way to make it happen.

I fly directly to New York tomorrow, arrive at 3:00, and have five hours to make it to the club. Then on Thursday morning, I jet back to Ottawa; and, if all goes well, I'll be back at work in the afternoon. It's a total hit-it-and-quit-it deal.

I am so psyched! In the past year, I bought every full-length Einst�rzende Neubauten CD and some of the EPs. I love the band and this year's release, Silence Is Sexy, is one of their strongest albums. To think that I'll be seeing them live tomorrow (in New York City, no less), when I didn't even know that they were on tour until Monday afternoon . . . what can I say? Life is good, baby :) I'm living the dream (heheh).

Sometime on Thursday, I'll likely prepare a post-concert report. I'm sure that I'll be describing an incredible, surreal time. Talk to you then.


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