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2000-08-22 - 22:11


Blah . . . still sick. Yesterday: get up after a night of sleep that was constantly interrupted by coughing spells, go to work, feel less than 100% but get something done. Go home, whip up a long overdue spaghetti, that turned out as tasty as ever, enjoy that. Play around on the guitar, start to feel sick again (cough, hack), go to bed, and once again fail to get a good night's sleep.

I definitely didn't feel up to par today at work. One spot on my ribs is very sore and every time that I cough (say, about every two minutes), I can feel it. Despite the bonus of having access to the medical advice of a trained pharmacist in my very own home, being sick sucks. Waaah!

Ah well . . . I'll just take it as a reminder that I should get around to having an Ontario health card made up, since (duh) this isn't just a work term, anymore; this is actually supposed to be home. Yeah, I procrastinate.

Hmm, what else is up? I skipped out on soccer again today and chilled out tonight at home. The invitation to Damien's wedding arrived today. I'm still not sure if I'll be heading home for that one or not. Considering that there are now cheap flights between Ottawa and Halifax, I might give it a go.

Okay, I'll go back to being sick. Later.


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