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2000-08-30 - 22:38

Try jumping into the sack

Okay, Jennie's talk of online tests reminded me of the newsletter that I recently received from The Spark. So, I had to go hammer down on The Spark's Personality Test, which keeps with the spirit of their previous tests (including the Bastard Test and the Death Test).

And here's what we came up with:

Judge (Dominant Introvert Concrete Thinker)

Like just 2% of the population you are a JUDGE (DICT). Your affinity for facts and analytical approach to life help you some complex problems and make tough decisions that others cannot. But don't think you don't act like a bitch a lot of the time. You jump into arguments and hold grudges like crazy. Try jumping into the sack and holding buttocks, instead. You could probably use some love.

While some may see you as a bit overbearing and arrogant, your friends know that you are a trustworthy person with depth and a strong sense of righteousness. Although you are introverted and somewhat reserved, you have a forceful personality that your friends appreciate and your enemies fear. God help them. God help all of us.

Heheh . . . I think they nailed it :)

My favourite question:

Suppose a girlfriend or boyfriend that you were *really* into said one day, "You and me just aren't right for each other," and dumped you right there. Did you notice the poor grammar?



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