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2000-11-21 - 1:07

Bogus lazy entry

Two months after I saw it in Banff, I see snow again . . . I can live with that. Honestly, there is very little else memorable about today.

It was a pretty slack day at work. I spent more time hanging out with Mandeep talking about some of his ideas for what he's working on than I spent doing anything else. I snagged a ride off him on the way home today, although it was the scenic route (via downtown). Yeah, it would've been quicker to take the bus; but this was more fun.

It's really creeping in on the end of the term, meaning that pretty soon Mandeep will be taking off and so will two of my roommates, Maneesh and Scott.

You know, I had somewhere that I meant to go with this one. There's an idea that I've been trying to sort through for a while now; but every time I try to write it down, I never get it right, so I always throw away what I'm writing. Unfortunately, this attempt was no exception. I will try again sometime and force it out, though.

So this is all I have tonight. Sorry, no real entry; but I felt like I'd rather post this than add nothing.

(Actually, I spent the time when I'd usually be working on a journal entry talking to first Jian and then Nick, before realizing that it was 1:00 and I wasn't too keen on writing a real entry. So this is it.)


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