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2001-01-13 - 1:15

Your number is one

So far, so good, as far as non-working life goes. I slept in on Thursday before heading in to clean out my desk. We actually have use of the office for a month; but I preferred to hit it and quit it.

Then again, it was easier for me to pack up than it will be for everybody else in there. I tend not to accumulate old junk, so I just needed to pack up a couple of textbooks, some papers, my rubber skeletons (I'm not sure how I was issued those at work; but there they were), and the cool pen/business card holder thing that my brother made for me a few years ago.

I guess that it was a little odd packing up, since that was the only real job that I've had (three work terms and one year full time). Still, as I mentioned before, it was pretty much the best timing that it could have been for me; and I'm definitely happy with how things are going.

A couple of the boys from Cali are telling me to go there for work. It's a thought; but it's not my main plan. We'll see. For now, I'd call it an unlikely, but not impossible, destination.

In a word, today was solitary. I slept in again, cleaned the place up a bit (mostly my room), and listened to my latest batch of CDs. I got some more Takako Minekawa and Yo La Tengo discs in the mail, all of which I enjoyed. The rest of the crew was doing their own thing tonight; but I preferred to keep to myself and listen to those CDs, read, and poke around on the guitar. It was a day for minimal human contact.


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