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2001-05-01 - 0:35

Quick turnover

It feels good to actually be picking up some steam at work lately. This is what it would have been like if the office had been ready when I was. Even though I'm making good progress now, I do hope that the office is up and running soon, since I'd rather work there than Dr. J's basement. Heh.

It has been going well there these past few days. It's pretty good when you look up and realize that it's 2:00 and neither of you has thought to go to lunch yet because you were each caught up in work. When we did pop out for a bite, we briefly hooked up with two of the crew from the old job.

It was cool to see them again; we hadn't crossed paths since I turned down an offer to work with them and went with the doctor. I was glad to hear Bis tell me that our paper went over well at Infocom. (Too bad I didn't get to go and see Alaska, though.) He said that people laughed when he explained that none of the four authors of the paper was still with the company.

After spending the day working, I made sure to be home for the arrival of the new roommate, Ray. He certainly seems like a good guy; and I'm expecting another fun term. I haven't had a bad roommate experience for a couple of years now, so I'm usually optimistic. Anybody who vaguely recognizes Nick Cave from my T-shirt, even if it is only from his Kylie Minogue duet, is off to a fine start.

So, today was mostly work and an introduction, with the chance to say goodbye to Oak this morning. It seems weird not to see Oak's hat in the closet by the front door. As always, four months went quickly. (Time flies when you're unemployed, I guess.) But they were some pretty fun times, with more to come, I'm sure.


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