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2001-05-28 - 1:06

Back in town

It wasn't a bad weekend here. Saturday was my low human contact day, while the roommates were mainly away. I was very unenergetic for most of the day, although I did manage to get some cleaning done and fire up a cake mix. I also screwed around on the guitar for a while, but I wasn't as into it as usual. I'd call it a no human contact day if not for the fact that I did get to enjoy chatting with Jian for a while.

Today, I was a little more active and sociable. I reacquainted myself with the joys of our push mower. The lawn actually looks halfway respectable now; and it wasn't an unenjoyable job, with Will Oldham playing on the stereo.

Nick and Aaron took care of supper, which was a bonus. It's cool that the three of us (and Loralei) actually got to hang out together tonight, since we didn't really do much of that when Aaron made his last trip here two weeks ago.

I think he plans on making his next visit two weekends down the road, which would be cool, since it would coincide with my birthday. It'd be great to get the crew together again, like last year. Maybe I'll turn the Chinese restaurant feast into an annual event.

Work should be interesting this week. Not only is the boss is back in town, my friend Greg is supposed to be arriving this week and starting work with us, as well. I'm not sure exactly when Greg is getting here. I half expect to get a phone call some night saying, "I'm back in town--let's go get something to eat."

It would take more than that to surprise me, though. My brother once moved back to Halifax after several years in Banff and didn't tell us he was coming back until he called from a friend's place, just up the road, to ensure that the door wouldn't be locked when he got to the house.


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