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2001-08-31 - 1:13


Another four months has gone quickly. It's odd to think that Ray is leaving tomorrow and Frank is moving in already. Although, considering that half the floor space in my room is now covered with Frankie's stuff, it's hard to deny. (Not that I'm complaining, by the way. How much walking around do I need to do in my room, anyway?)

It also amuses me to think that it was almost a year ago that Frank was so mad at me about Jian; and now he's living here, while Jian has dropped me from her existence. I'm still not sure what the deal was with Jian. "Hey, I like you; no, I'm bored with you now; oh, maybe we should reconsider; okay, well, then we're friends; now I inexplicably hate you; now I'm friendly like nothing ever happened; okay, now I'm ignoring you again."

I don't mean to be rude about Jian. I think that she's a nice person at heart, and I was happy to have someone to talk to late at night and hang out with once in a while. Hell, I'd still be happy to hear from her. I just have no clue what went down between us since about May. Then again, I was fairly clueless from the get-go.

The roommate changing of the guard is the only real news here. It should be another cool four months, since all four of us who will be here now have been friends for a while. That said, my advice for the gamblers among you is to bet that by the end of the year, I'll be looking to move into my own spot. That's no knock against any of the roomies; it's just where I see myself.

Of course, I've been wrong before.


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