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2001-09-03 - 2:20

Red blazer

So, Ray has made his exit and Frank is back living here. It's cool having Frankie around again; he's generally a very positive person.

The long weekend is going by without any major plans shaking down. Friday night, I went out for supper with Greg and Kelly, celebrating Kelly's new job. I got to introduce the two of them to the kick-ass Chinese restaurant that's just up the road from them.

I managed to clean up the storage room today, getting rid of some junk that was here when I moved in over a year and a half ago. Since Frank has a lot of stuff, we needed to clear the space. I think that we have the living room straightened out now: the electronics are all wired and Frank's futon is set up.

Other than helping straighten up after the move, the long weekend has been fairly slack. I've even been going to bed before 1:00, which is earlier than I often do during the week. (Well, okay, it's 2:20 now; but I went to bed early the last couple of nights.)

I started reading another Bukowski novel, Post Office. I'm still trying to work my way through his vast output. I've loved the four Bukowski books that I've read so far, but it's hard to decide what to read next. I'm going with the theory that if he wrote over 45 books and Black Sparrow Press picked five older titles to put out, they probably picked the best. Not to mention, any novel in its forty-first printing struck a chord with a lot of someones.

I love his writing style. Post Office is another book that hooks you in instantly; and it seems so effortless. The writing isn't flashy, the stories aren't outrageous, the narration is very relaxed and conversational; and before you know it, you're hooked. I'll definitely continue working through his other books.

I think that I have decided in the past few days that I want to buy a house next year. (How's that for a topic change?) Everyone here has reached the conclusion that this townhouse is not going to remain the plan. I had been considering getting a place on my own; but now I'm thinking, why not really get a place of my own?

It's definitely doable. If I wait until next spring or summer, I could have a solid down payment and be on my way. The more I think about it, the more certain I am.

Of course, that idea affects my plans for this year. As in, do I still want to move out of here at the end of December, if I'm looking to make a real move in the spring or summer? My first answer is no, but it depends on what the rest of the roommates have planned, too. I won't live here if the other three guys move out. However, I also won't commit to a one year lease if I do move.

I think that there are a few options for how it could all shake down. We'll have to sit down and figure it out, once people are more certain of their plans.


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