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2001-09-10 - 1:16

All I wanna do is love you

Summer was definitely back this weekend. After a week in which it was starting to get cool at nights, the weekend saw two 30-degree days. No complaints from me, apart from my standard "I miss living next to a lake."

Then again, I was busy enough that I missed a chunk of the warm weather by being indoors. I went back to the office today for about four hours. Nothing too stressful, by any means, but something that was easier to get done on a quiet afternoon. The boss was in again and I went over the start of a paper that he's writing. I enjoy that kind of thing, although I haven't done much serious writing since my old job.

After walking home, I felt a little out of it, so I plopped back into bed. I was just about to force myself to get up and make something to eat, since fasting probably wasn't going to make me feel any better, when Aaron popped up and asked me if I wanted any of the pasta that he had just made. Sometimes having roommates works out rather well.

Not too much was on the go today. I spent a little time chilling with the roomies after supper, which was cool since everybody had been on the go with their own thing for most of this weekend. Oh, and I had "Astounded" stuck in my head since I caught the video this afternoon--I love the Curtis Mayfield vocals.

I also finally got around to adding a few old pictures to my home page today. Maybe tomorrow, I'll add the good pictures that I got from our hike around Gatineau Park and a couple of shots from the Wesley Willis concert. Usually, I don't get too behind on the web site; but I haven't been as interested in keeping at it lately.

I'll be busy with it soon enough, though, if I want to keep pace with my concert reviews. This week is clear; but the 17th is the start of my densest concert stretch ever: Buck 65 and Tool in 3 days; a week and a half break; Godspeed You Black Emperor and then Nick Cave twice in a four day span; and Bj�rk the following weekend. (Plus I'm catching the Sens season opener versus the Canadiens between those last two concerts.)

I've definitely been getting psyched.


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