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2001-09-09 - 1:47

Cool your jets

The Wesley Willis concert last night at the Babylon Nightclub was quite an experience. Actually, Wesley's set was like two separate events: one incredibly uncomfortable, the other quite enjoyable.

Andrew Vincent's opening set is hardly worth mentioning. The solo segment was curious, with the "Degrassi Jr. High" theme and the Beastie Boys' "Paul Revere" getting a guitar and vocals treatment.

Grand Buffet had the middle slot on the bill. I had no idea who these guys were; but I can say that, incredibly enough, they fully deserved to be opening for Wesley Willis. Everything that they did was with an over-the-top intensity that I found very funny and enjoyable. Lots of fun, for sure.

Finally, Wesley took the stage, for a solo showcase. The crowd was definitely enthusiastic--before the doors had opened, people had formed a line stretching down the block. Unfortunately, though, it quickly became apparent that several people were there just to laugh at the man. Of course, comedy is most of the appeal for Wesley; but there is a distinction between laughing with and laughing at.

With so many people hollering out requests after Wesley made it obvious that he wasn't taking them, the vibe got very ugly. Hearing Wesley repeatedly cursing out the audience and seemingly having no fun made it very, very uncomfortable.

After a short set, Wesley took a break; and when he came back, the night turned around 180 degrees. He seemed to be having a good time with his next few numbers and the crowd was predominantly on his side. Unfortunately, equipment problems led him to wrap up a little early, ending with the ever-popular "I Wupped Batman's Ass."

The concert's finish let me walk away saying that I had a good time. It was also cool that Wesley stayed out for a long time after he was through playing, talking to the fans and getting them onstage to headbutt him. No, I didn't get up for a headbutt; but at least I got a few pictures.

It was definitely a bizarre evening--not one that I could have predicted; but one that I ultimately enjoyed. If Wesley comes back to town next year, as he said he will, I'll be there.

I found out today that I was misinformed about Money Mark coming here for a concert. Damn you, Canoe, and your faulty concert listings. I should've been verifying with Emperor Norton all along.

So, I'll be concert-free until Buck 65 stops in on the 17th. That's okay, though, since work is very busy lately. Actually, I went in today for several hours, trying to get something going. The past week has been very productive, work-wise. I finally understand some topics that I've been dancing around for a while now.

With work taking up a lot of time, today was fairly quiet. After calling it a night at the office, all that I got up to was playing some more Baldur's Gate and finishing off Post Office (which I liked a lot).

But I'd say that a quiet day is the proper follow-up to a night of being packed in the Babylon, with Wesley Willis screaming at you.


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