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2001-09-07 - 2:08


It was sad today hearing that Saku Koivu has cancer. That drags down my enthusiasm about having tickets for Ottawa's season opener against the Habs. It doesn't seem to mean as much, knowing that the captain of the team has something so much more serious to face.

Tomorrow night is the Wesley Willis concert. That should be wild. I think that Colin, Aaron, and Greg are all in for that show.

I also have Colin interested in checking out Buck 65 on the 17th. It's always good to have someone to work my musical influence on. After getting Colin into Cave, Rollins, Neubauten, Yo La Tengo, and lots of other artists, I'll see what I can do about Buck. If Colin and I were still roommates, I'd undoubtedly have him listening to Will Oldham; but as is, it has been a while since I spread the word.

It's too bad that Liam and Richard live so far away from me. They still get me into a few bands here and there (Cat Power comes to mind), but it's not the same as being able to swap CDs.

The extra banner ads that I got for this site are working out very well. From people signing the guestbook, I have discovered some very cool journals. I already added a couple to my favourites list; but I've been checking out everyone who signed.

I even got a guestbook marriage proposal. Heidi, I'll have to get the password to your diary before I can officially accept; but since you're a Fugazi fan, I can't see what could go wrong. Heheh :)


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