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2001-09-13 - 2:07

I'm not your reason to crack and divide

Thanks to the people who responded to what I wrote last night and understood where I was coming from. That means a lot to me.

In recent months, I've gotten more and more into reading online journals. There are probably twenty that I check in on now. I'm used to hearing twenty different stories, twenty different experiences. Since yesterday, though, there has been only one shared experience, filtered through different perspectives.

Individuals, most of whom I don't really know, and who don't know each other; but they all have this episode in common. We all do.

For me, reading others' thoughtful reactions has made me feel more unified with the world around me. It's odd that a terrible reminder of how disgustingly inhumane humanity can be (and is, far too often) has also illustrated that there are a lot of reasonable, caring people out there who share the same reactions to that inhumanity.


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