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2001-09-14 - 1:50

I don't wanna see

Today was back to more of a normal day for me. I went to the bank to change my investments. I actually had an appointment on Tuesday, but of course, the markets were closed then. Today was back to normal life details.

I have to watch it--I'm starting to feel like an adult lately. First I'm discussing politics (although that's only natural after what happened), now I'm starting to halfway know what's going on with investing. Am I supposed to even know what it means to diversify my portfolio, let alone be doing it? What do you mean, I'm 24? Really? While I'm in this growing up mode, you're not going to expect me to actually learn how to drive, too, are you? Terrible. Heh.

Actually, I feel good about having my savings set up. I filled my RSP limit and I'm starting to put the rest of my money aside with the intention of buying a house next year. Unless something changes, that's my plan.

I know, I know, talking about money is dead boring. It's the whole house concept that has me excited, though, so I had to mention it.

Also on the topic of growing up, I guess that I'd have to say that the terrorist attack on the U.S. is among the most historically significant events that I've been old enough to understand as it was happening. The other events that come to mind are the Berlin Wall coming down and the Gulf War starting, although I was fairly young then.

I remember watching the Wall topple on TV with my brother Jason. I didn't really grasp the full significance, but I knew that it was an important scene.

The Gulf War was fascinating because you could see it unfold before you on TV. Although the coverage then just gave the illusion of understanding. People wouldn't have wanted to be close enough to see the bodies, but seeing cruise missles impact in monochrome footage--well, that was like watching a video game.

I dunno. I'm finding it hard to write about this topic, since I got my first reaction out of my system. I'll just say that I hope that I don't have to add more bombings to the list of historical events of my time.


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