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2001-09-15 - 1:33

The ones you fear are wind and air

Well, the Nick Cave tour has been cancelled, which is a disappointment. I can certainly understand considering it inappropriate to go on with the shows right after the attack; but I don't think that the decision to cancel it all helps. But then again, I'm the guy who puts on Volume Four (or Cave) when I'm depressed.

Since I had been planning to fly to Toronto, I'll have to figure out tomorrow how to get my tickets changed. I'll also be missing Godspeed's stop in Toronto.

I don't mean to sound petty here. By no means do I consider the change in plans a massive deal, in light of what has been happening. I'm just disappointed, since I've been saying that I would see the Bad Seeds live for about two years now; and I had these particular concerts in mind since I saw his solo show in March. These are the kinds of things that matter to me.

So, I guess that I can file my Nick Cave tickets for Toronto and Montreal with the tickets for last year's cancelled Beastie Boys/Rage Against the Machine concert.

Other than that news, today continued the return to normalcy. Work went fairly well. I noticed that we got very good service when we went out for lunch today--I didn't even have to order my ice tea. Being Friday regulars and solid tippers pays off, I guess.

Everything was very quiet at home tonight. I've more or less had the place to myself since I got back. The soundtrack for The Book of Life has found its way into heavy rotation again, while I've been playing around on the computer. It's a great mellow album for a quiet night.

As always, the right music for the mood. That's why it's too bad that I won't have the experience of Cave--despite it all, I would have been in the right frame of mind for the show.


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