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2001-09-17 - 1:31

Standard issue

Today was a fairly typical Sunday. I did a little cleaning, read for a bit, and listened to lots of CDs. Having now tried out their new disc, I can verify that Slayer at high volume is as fun as ever. I trust that the neighbours would agree. Heh.

I squeezed in another barbecue tonight. I've almost finished off the killer barbecue sauce that I brought back from Banff last year. (I've been rationing it out.) Maybe it's time for another trip to see my brother. Oh, that reminds me . . . It's past midnight, so I should at least send him an e-mail for his birthday . . .

[Insert 3 minute break.]

Okay, done. I went with The Spark's "Happy girthday, you fat bastard" card. I'm a sucker for the classics.

(And yes, I know that it's not past midnight in the Mountain time zone, but it will be by the time that he reads it.)

As I was saying, not too much was on the go today. I got around to updating my home page. Most notably, I added some pictures from the past couple of weeks.

The only catching up that I didn't do on my home page was adding my Wesley Willis concert review, which will probably be very similar to what I wrote for this journal. I should try to stay up to date, though, since I'll have two new reviews to write this week: Buck 65 is back in town tomorrow and Wednesday, we're off to Montreal for Tool.

I'm definitely psyched for those shows. I listened to all three Buck CDs today. Since this will be his third stop in Ottawa since April, it feels like an old friend stopping in. Hopefully, Flett'll be around to catch the concert this time.

My much-anticipated concert blitz has been significantly scaled back; but this will still be a cool week, for sure.


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