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2001-09-18 - 3:10

On the day I was born, I spread open the ocean

Okay, getting out of a late concert, bussing to Bayshore, and walking home from there leaves me far too tired to write a real journal entry. (As a general rule, when I start writing after 3:00 AM, I'm not in for the long haul.)

I will say, though, that Buck 65 was excellent again. With his third stop in Ottawa since the spring, I was very impressed that he kicked out a third very different set that matched the heights of his previous performances. Best of all, the new songs were killer; and they'll be out on a new CD in October.

I had a blast during the show; and it was great to talk to Buck after he finished his set.

I'll have more to write tomorrow, for sure. Right now, though, I want to say that the feeling that I had standing dead centre, closest to the stage for most of Buck's show was the best feeling that I've had in months. Even seeing Buck in August, as fun as it was, didn't match the awesome mood that I was in tonight.

I live for nights like this; and being conscious of that thought, while the night was happening . . . what can I say?

Life is �ber (heheh).


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