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2001-09-19 - 2:23

And came back with some fish, like a true Nova Scotian

Sunday night, after a weekend of sleeping in (as usual), I had a hard time falling asleep; and something woke me up at 6:00 AM on Monday. Then last night, after seeing the Buck 65 concert, it was past 3:00 by the time that I got to bed.

Considering that I'm heading to Montreal tomorrow night for the Tool concert, the plan was to get some actual sleep tonight. Predictably enough, though, here I am on Diaryland at two-something.

Actually, I will keep this entry short, though. Most of my writing effort tonight went into writing my concert review for Buck 65. It's a bit long and formal for this site; but you can find it at the usual sources: my home page (to be exact, this review) or the Tomes of Knowledge news page.

Personally, I'd say that the Tomes looks like a much more professional site; but if you're fond of the colour green or you want to poke around at the results of other pointlessly late nights, you can check my home page.

On the other hand, if you're here because you thought that this site was some kind of journal, instead of a concert review repository, you've checked in on the wrong day.

Okay, just to keep up appearances: work went quite well today and I finished reading Ham On Rye, which I enjoyed from start to finish. Oh, and I'll join in with all Canadians over a certain age in paying respects to Ernie Coombs, definitely a part of our collective childhoods.

There, that's all I have for now. Bring on Tool!


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