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2001-09-20 - 2:06

And I wouldn't have it any other way

Today ranks as one of the best in recent times. I got back from the Tool concert in Montreal about twenty minutes ago; and I'm still feeling great, if, admittedly, more than a little tired.

I'm going to postpone a real review until tomorrow. The short version is that Tool put on an amazing performance, with the strongest visual element of any concert that I've seen. The music took several detours through instrumental territories, returning to powerful anchors, such as "Forty-Six & 2," "Pushit," "�nema," "Schism," and "Parabola." Some might say that the musical excursions detracted from the power of the show; but I was very impressed and I very much respect the band's approach.

Not only was the concert a wild experience, the whole day had a great vibe. Six of us made the trip for the show. It's very enjoyable getting together with cool people for a trip like that. I love the feeling of anticipation that I have when I can share the hours before a concert with a group of friends.

That awesome mood sustained through the two hour ride back to Ottawa. With Kelly sleeping in the back, I indulged in my typical post-concert talkativeness with Greg. I like to try to keep the driver company on late trips and I always have this urge to talk after a great concert. This is the fifth time that I've hit Montreal for a concert and come back the same night. Highway 40 has definitely witnessed a lot of my late night, wired-as-hell, philosophical ramblings.

Great fun. How could I complain about sharing yet another awesome concert trip with some very cool people? Life is good.

Okay, one more quick note before bedtime: congratulations to Zhuni :) (Everybody has me so congratulatory these days . . . it's good to hear that others are doing well.)


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